Thursday, June 14, 2007

eh, puh-lease.
get ur facts rite.
u're the young & naive one, not me.
im mature enuf to scold people w/o using vulgarities.
unlike u, i dont believe ppl easily.
hu's the one behind laura and zuokuan.
spying all the time, changing everything that ppl does...
into smth totally untrue, un-holy, unpleasant.
it was u all along.
i found this out long ago.
but i forgive u.
seriously just cant help scolding u
'cause u're just a stupid girl who's totally brainless.
acting nosey all the time.
yeah, im bossy, im a flirt...blahxxx.
u huan lo.
dunno how speak hokkien den dun act clever.
hairy is ur trademark.
being flat is in ur gene.
stop blaming ppl for what u are now.
they aint got nothing to do with ur life.
continuously blaming ppl just shows tt...
u are unable to handle ur life with proper care.
if this is the reason,
how the hell u're gonna live.
gawd! why am i doing this?
trying to teach this girl...
proper manners and stuffs that led to how a genuine girl behave.
she doesnt preach.
she's got no brains.
wad's wrong with the mirror, girl?

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