Friday, December 21, 2007

You're all I want for Christmas.

God Bless Me!
I'm finally back.
Missed Joey and Seraphina so much!
I had a really great holiday overseas
mostly because i met three new friends.
; Aunty Emily,
; Jeremy,
; Helena.
It's snowing over in Korea.

I'm so bored now.
boredom kills like nobody's business!

It's 3 more days to Christmas.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

'cause words can't bring me down.

Haven't been blogging lately because I was rather busy
And nad been sleeping late these few days.

* 30Nov, Friday: slumber party at Seraphina's.
* 01Dec, Saturday: shopping! & movie time, Enchanted.
* 02Dec, Sunday: baked cookies & met Sera, Joey and Sherlyna.

Im so bored now,
I wanna hear your voice.
I wish i could.
I want to badly.

Goodluck for your match tmr, Zk. (:

Im off to read my book,
The five people u meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom.


[p.s.] I LOVE VON 'D. :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

this is "blah" .

if u like him, go for it la dey.
anw, let u knw something.
i don't want to talk to him already.
i just can't stand it.
more complications and stuff.

talking to u is just so....*speechless.
no topic. ):
even if i had,
i don't wish to say "it" out.
have a safe trip, boy!
see you. (:
i'll miss you though.

went to seraphina's house today.
bought stuff for audrey's birthday...
and prepared it.
then, went to play guitar.
headed home later.

GIG. (;

went to REDBAR with
joey, seraphina, laura and yusheng
for hung, haziq, syazwan, deleon and hakim's performance.
had lots of fun.
And i met cheryl & her friends there too. (:

anw, watch out for my next post.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

i don't wanna love another.

" Women don't want to be...
mens' burden,
but Men just love to...
find and carry that burden. "
i'm so freaking " xp & ): ".
i just can't figure what i should do.
seeing u melts my heart
but if i'm gonna hurt many people
just to be with u...
i just don't want to think about it.
fate just brought us together...
maybe just to only be friends.
or i should just hit myself on the head
and fall into a coma
so that my worries and feelings would be gone.
i don't want to be heart brokened.
i don't want someone who loves me but just so sensitive with what i do.
i don't want to wait but don't want to rush.
i'm just so confused and maybe depressed.
i'm lost.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

sitting down and reminiscing those days when i had u by my side.

is just a status,
Boyfriend/Girlfriend ...
is just a name."
Somehow it's kinda true,
but after thnking about stuffs that i've done,
maybe it's not.
Seeing this qoute reminds me of the times i had
with this person i loved.
Oh nooooo!
; At the old school gate...
u made me feel a sense of security.
; At the school bench...
u pictured me in your future.
; In the taxi after sch and that secret...
u gave me instead of told me.
; Eating in the library...
breaking the law together.
; At the park behind our school, under that hut...
u proved me how much i meant to u.
It's been more than a year,
why do i still think about the things i've done
and the times i spent,
together with u?
I knw that i've neglected u,
but i really didn't wanted to do it.
I regret doing that so much that till now,
even when i think of it,
it still hurts me deeply inside.
U made me do this
and u're hating me for doing that.
I'm going to be in the same class as u next year,
i wish u could just remember the best times we had together
and forget the rest...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

im so fucking pissed.
fuck the world,
fuck everybody...

anw, im waiting for eyes
to come back, then can talk.
hurry up!
im going bonkers.

damnit! u drive me crazy!

awwww, im bored. ):

finally, some part of the problem is settled.
im so bored now.
almost everybody's playing mia.
what the hell?
chatting to seraphina now,
maybe going her house later.
kuku eyes! sleeping now.
basket! wake up!
nvm, talk to u at night.
im so bored can.

i want to talk to u,
but we just seem so far apart.
if u wna 'tokyo' drift,
then probably i leave it just the way it is.
it's not too late to change what's gonna happen in the future
'cause i do have feelings for u...
anw, talking to u now makes me feel weird.
like im carrying a really huge burden...
i don't want things to go on like this.
let me think about it and figure things out first.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

boo ya!
finally, im back.
so much have happened (don't wish to elaborate)...
chat with joey till 6 plus in the morning then went to bed and woke up like 4 hours later.
i've been like mia for the past 3 weeks and so much happened.
found out many horrifying truths...

i've been accusing the wrong person for the wrong stuffs the whole while.
wanna apologise to her, im sorry. ):

i can't believe someone around me has been so freaking observant.
it's kinda scary...observant! :/

...i dont wanna elaborate further, these were two more important stuffs.

anw, im so bored at home.
supposed to meet seraphina, genevieve, joey and yu go arcade,
but im so tired and sleepy. *yawns... and it's like raining now.
chat with eyes on the phone just now,
he sounds so different over the phone.
told me lots that i didnt knw.
awww, dont be so emo about that one point luh, eyes.
practise and im sure u'll be winning in no time.
i'll see u play some other time.
goodluck for ur match!
oh and love just sms me. (:

the boy you never wanted just steals your heart,
i never saw it coming, 'til i felt so hard.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

i havent been here for a long long long while.
guess i just dont wanna care bout anything.
exams are like hanging around the effing corner.
trying real hard to study, just cant concentrate.
im in no mood for anything right now.
just freaking feel like sleeping and never wake up.
isn't it great? away from all the troubles and fears.
bloody BTXW.
im not sure but seriously, i thought you were my god-sis.
you're sucha betrayer. BASTARD. ASSHOLE. I HATE YOU, bitch.
you're hell full of crap :/

today's bored.
no joey. no laughter. no fun. no excitement.
wrote a poem:
You're the culprit that never fails to steal my stare,
but i doubt you even know im there.
I wish you could just take away that fear,
please turn & look back, know that im here.
peiyen saw and said that that is how i feel deep inside,
it's the reason why i wrote tis poem in like 5 minutes.
didnt really thought what she said was true.
thought about it & realised what she said was so true.

boy, i actually dont hate you.
okay, maybe yes i do but cant you just stop asking why i hate you?
think about the answer urself, will you?
what ATanJY said it's true.
im j____ of ____na.
if i told you, what would you do?


Monday, July 30, 2007

--feelings of love.

I shiver in the winter night,
the cold breeze blew on me
i bask under the scorching sun,
i faint in the desert
i dont feel the cold neither the warm.

my sky seems to be grey
the thunder seems to kill me
i see black
i see grey
i see colours of death

a drop of your chemical,
it changes my life.
that is when i learnt what chemistry is
i feel warm in the cold
i feel cool in the warmth

the sky became blue
the weather became cool
i feel like flowers
blooming with happiness
i feel like a butterfly
flying with grace

i see rainbows,
the colours of life
i fear no more
nothing is better than the one thing
you gave me

Friday, July 27, 2007

nobody believes me when i tell that u're out of my mind.
nobody believes me when i tell them that there's so much you hide.
you treat me like a queen when we go out.
wanna show everyone what's our love about.
all wrapped up in me whenever there's a crowd.
but when no one's around...

there's no kindness in your eyes,
the way you look at me is just not right.
i can tell whats going on this time,
there's a stranger in my life.
you're not the person that i once knew,
are you scared to let them know it's you?
if they could only see you like i do,
then they would see a stranger too.

did i ever do anything that was this cruel to you?
did i ever make you wonder who was standing in the room?
you made yourself look perfect in everyway,
so when this goes down, im the one that will be blamed,
your plan is working so you can just walk way,
baby you secret's safe.

there's no kindness in your eyes,
the way you look at me is just not right.
i can tell what's going on this time,
there's a stranger in my life.
you're not the person that i once knew,
are you scared to let them know it's you?
if they could only see you like i do,
then they would see a stranger too.

such a long way back, from this place we arrived.
when i think of all the time i've wasted, i could cry.

there's no kindness in your eyes,
the way you look at me is just no right.
i can tell what's going on this time.
there's a stranger in my life.
you're no the person that i once knew.
are you scared to let them know it's you.
if they could only see you like i do,
then they would see a stranger too.

there's no kindness in your eyes,
the way you look at me is just not right.
i can tell what's going on this time.
there's a stranger in my life.
you're not person that i once knew.
are you scared to let them know it's you?
if they could only see you like i do,
then they would see a stranger too.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

im damn tired now alright.
bcoz of mr sky chen tian.
talked on the phone with joey, boobful and cheerful.
mr tian was trying to irritate all of us on purpose by playing the guitar.
so noisy man.
but, he so called apologised ltr.
talked on the phone with him until 3 plus.
keep disturbing me abt halah.
damn. sky, u're so correct abt smth.
tell joey tell you.
went to s'pore poly tdy.
the person infront of me keep bio-ing guys.
so disgusting.
in the bus, her friend say weimin then we say her friend back,
she nvr help seh.
wad kind of friend is this.
poor lwt. she treat you like maid then you still suck up to her.
damn! im speechless.
haiyo. cyber bullying is bad lor.
yet, hairy keep doing that.
some people just dont know wad are limits.
i talking to joey on the bus oso wan extra.
like wtf? no one talkin to youleh.
bhb. knn.
jcwf, u have been living a lie all this long.
cant you just damn effing wake up?
if still wan sleep hor, go home lar.
our sch dont welcome you.
please vanish!

Friday, July 13, 2007

my blog's dying, horribly.
i've been wanting to blog for a long long time.
just that my stupid bros were always hogging it.
i have been home late these few days.
btw, i've got a laptop but im damn too lazy to turn it on.
so, i just freakishly snatched the com from my bro and use it.
LOL., im gawd damn bored.
hubby's having ndp training now at marina.
my bro's leaving home soon to watch ndp.
mum's in ROME.
granny's cooking smth tt smells so great.
i think it's curry...mmmm.
went home w hubby & anas ytd.
hubby had a tummy ache after having the longan drink at the market behing our sch.
gosh. my poor boy.
anas and lance were there also.
they said they want to share the pain so they had the longan too.
in the end, they had tummy ache too.
poor people.
anw, i've prayed tt u all will be okay.
i hope god heard me.
damn, i wanna go shop for more clothes.
i gotta wait for mum to be back from europe.
i wanna see wad she got for me, just in case or maybe, i wld buy the same thing as her.
she phoned dad a few days ago and said tt the things there aren't cheap.
i bought a black and white stripped shirt and leggings on tues when i was out with joey.
tt's the first time tt i wld buy smth first instead of her.
poor joey.
nothing just seems to be attracting her tt day.
hmmmm...i guess she have eyes for yongjun.
like joey, both of us wanna to smth really crazy.
singapore's way too small for our explosive crave.
damn thang.


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

sch was so effing bored today.
stupid ms ren jing. knn.
switched most of our seats.
was sms-ing my baby during mt.
& mr yeo. the clownish teacher.
made all of us laugh till our sides hurt.
anw, this is so gonna be my family tree in class frm now on,
grandpa ][ qi en. "ah-gong"
father ][ sufiyan. "lao-peh"
mother ][ joey. " lao-bu"
uncle ][ andy. " uncle soo lau lan"
brother ][ jonathan. " hia-di"
twins bro ][ hong jie. " the evil-twins"
younger bro ][ johar. " suay orh-orh"
cousin ][ wai kit. " soo ann gree"
cousin ][ zuo kuan. " soo kay poh"
LOL! mr yeo did all these family tree stuff.
anw, gtg.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

this blog is rotting agn.
aauuuwww, poor little thing.
hmmm, i dunno wad to say man!
i've been really busy this few days.
yeah! :DDDDDD
ok. it's like JULY now.
oh noooo...!!!!
it's my birthday.
3rd july.
woah!!! 14 years ago.
wad has my parents done man?
okok. get back here.
im *speechless*...
it's like 1:22 am now.
im msging my baby!
hey, baby!
lol. ok.
i think tt's it.
im TOTALLY speechless now.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

eh, puh-lease.
get ur facts rite.
u're the young & naive one, not me.
im mature enuf to scold people w/o using vulgarities.
unlike u, i dont believe ppl easily.
hu's the one behind laura and zuokuan.
spying all the time, changing everything that ppl does...
into smth totally untrue, un-holy, unpleasant.
it was u all along.
i found this out long ago.
but i forgive u.
seriously just cant help scolding u
'cause u're just a stupid girl who's totally brainless.
acting nosey all the time.
yeah, im bossy, im a flirt...blahxxx.
u huan lo.
dunno how speak hokkien den dun act clever.
hairy is ur trademark.
being flat is in ur gene.
stop blaming ppl for what u are now.
they aint got nothing to do with ur life.
continuously blaming ppl just shows tt...
u are unable to handle ur life with proper care.
if this is the reason,
how the hell u're gonna live.
gawd! why am i doing this?
trying to teach this girl...
proper manners and stuffs that led to how a genuine girl behave.
she doesnt preach.
she's got no brains.
wad's wrong with the mirror, girl?

the biggest loser in my class/
or the biggest loser i've ever known.
cause if u've got aint no money,
take ur broke ass home.
if u mess with the bulls,
u get the horns.

now, let's get things serious.
TO: the biggest loser from my class.
u suck big time alrite.
trying to beautify urself makes no difference,
'cause u're just as beautiful as my shit,
stinking worst than my fart or malaysia's national flower is how u smell.
ruining ppl's life is u're forte.
boring out at home doing lame stuffs is ur hobby.
getting into ppl's relationships shows how nosey u are.
barking or making noises tt sounds totally like a bitch/female dog is how u sound.
sucking up to ppl whom u think can help u when u're in "danger" is ur life.
being "soft" to guys and trying to "help" them is ur trap.
thinking tt guys do fall in love with u is u biggest dream.
always trying to camouflage with ur friends is what u really are.
believeing that all the guys in the world do love u shows how naive u are.
getting scolded all the time by everybody shows that u're just a total sore loser.
acting big infront of ppl who do no harm shows how weak u are.
thinking that u excel in everything u DO,
just simply shows that u have a total low percentage IQ.
u go to a doctor and ask for immediate help...
BUT, sadly, u cant be cured.
this is what the doctor will say,
dear jcqf,
after hearing ur story,
i really pity u.
but, there's seriously nothing i can do.
there's only one way i can help.
u must always rmb this for life.
OR IN ANOTHER WORDS just QUIT being a...
- sore loser
- day-dream
- third- party
- nosey/kaypo queen
- stupid bitch/female dog with no IQ.
ur friends trust u and have always been helping u in many ways they can.
u repay them by back-stabbing them and
telling all the secrets u share to other people.
trying to get in a relationship and ruin many lifes.
i, as a friend, also wish to help but so sorry.
please dun waste my time.
ytd was a blast man!
LOLS. (:
thinking abt it makes me wanna laugh.
we had bbq at my baobei joey's baobei's hse.
his hse was omg!
it's way neat for a guy.
maybe thats what joey like about him.
sky is so blur.
we all said the sweet potatoes were supposed to be left with the charcoal,
but, he insisted on putting on the wire gause.
we all were like:" NOOOO!!!".
it's was so fking hilarious.
young turned and told him,
"brother, u've wasted 15 years of ur life making mistakes."
hahas. LMAO.
luckily, he's joey's baobei.
if not, i would kick some ass.
we ton-ed thru the night.
we played truth or dare^^
LOLS. it's so fun and exciting.
young & sky sent us home after we caught the sunrise in the dawn.
wish we could stay longer but joey got sailing.
but it's ok cos we can always party again.
the sunrise was so beautiful esp when u're watching it with your friends and loved ones;)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

im over ur lies
& im over ur games.
im over u asking me when u know,
im not ok.

u call me at night
& i pick up the phone.
& though u'll be tellin' me
i know
u're not alone.

& tt's why.
ur eyes,
im over it.
ur smile,
im over it.
im over it.
im over it.
im over...

wanting u
to be wanting me.
no. tt aint no way to be.
how i feel
read my lips
because im so over.
im so,
moving on.
it's my time.
u never were a friend of mine.
hurt at first
a little bit.
& now im so over,
im so over it.

im over ur hands
& im over ur mouth.
tryin' to drag me down
& fill me with self-doubt.

& tt's why.
ur world,
im over it.
so sure,
im over it.
im not ur girl,
im over it.
im over it.
im over...

wanting u
to be wanting me.
no. tt aint no way to be.
how i feel,
read my lips,
because im so over..
im so,
moving on
& it's my time.
u never were a friend of mine.
hurt at first
a little bit
& now im so over.
so over it.
im so over it.

dont call
dont come by
aint no use
dont ask me why
u'll never change
there'll be more
crying in the rain...

im so over it.
wanting u
to be wanting me.
no. tt aint no way to be.
how i feel,
read my lips,
beacuse im so over...
im so
moving on
& it's my time.
u never were a friend of mine.
hurt at first,
a little bit
& now im so over
so over
im over it.

wanting u
to be wanting me.
no. tt aint no way to be.
how i feel,
read my lips,
because im so over...
im so
moving on
& it's my time.
u never were a friend of mine.
hurt at first,
a little bit
& now im so over
so over
im so over it.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

i seriously am.
u fucking basturd...fuck off too.
hey bastard.
saw tt?
so take it and simply fuck off.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

i just cant take it anymre.
u're killing me inside.
are u aware of what u make me feel, baby?
right now i feel invinsible to u,
like im not, real.
didnt u feel me lock my arms arnd u
why'd turn away?
here's what i've to say...
i was left to cry there,
waiting outside there,
grinning with a lost stare...
tt's when i decided...

why should i care?
'cause u werent there when i was scared,
i was so alone.
u, u need to listen.
im staring to trip,
im losing my grip and im in this thing alone.

am i some chick u place beside u,
to take somebody's place.
when you turn arnd can you recognize my face
u used to love me,
u used to hug me,
but tt wasnt the case,
everything wasnt okay.
i was left to cry there,
waiting outside there,
grinning with the lost stare...
tt's when i decided...

why should i care?
'cause you weren't there when i was scared,
i was so alone.
u, u need to listen.
im starting to trip,
im losing my grip and im in this thing alone.

crying out loud im crying out loud
crying out loud im crying out loud
open ur eyes
open up wide

why should i care?
'cause u werent there when i was scared,
i was so alone.
why sholud i care?
'cause u werent there when i was scared,
i was so alone.
why should i care?
if u dont care, den i dun care we're not going anywhere.
why should i care?
'cause u weren't there when i was scared,
i was so alone.
why should i care?
if u don't care, den i dun care we're not going anywhere.


u may not have realise.
but, u've hurt me so much.
what u told me last night,
made me shed so much tears.
i've shed so much tears...
without i, myself, knowing.
sometimes, i ask myself.
is it even worth-while?
to me, u're perfect.
so, perfect.
tt's the reason why im totally...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

when will everything be the same agn?
like the times we had together?
chatting with each other, watching movie, roming arnd...?
oh boy! i sure miss u loads.
i seriously dun even noe wad's the reason tt made us break up.
probably, the reason lies somewhere...
deep, cold and unknown.
i dun wanna know.
'cause it'll only break my heart.
there are some things u dont know.
i yelled at u through the phone because i was worried.
u dont know how worried i was when i found out u werent home.
it was late, in the middle of the night,...
where could u have been?
when i was with u, ur friends told me things tt i didnt wanna hear.
i pretended i didnt when they told me.
they asked me if i was mad.
i said no, confidently.
do u even know why?
i trusted u.
and i don think u even trusted me in the first place.
ppl say love can make one blind.
yes, its true.
i was blind.
but, not u.
do u even love me at all???
all i wanna say is,
where are u?
where have u gone?
u have changed.
but, i dont mind.
i really miss u, boy.
pls come back.
urrrm...where do i start.
hmmm...let me see.
i seriously dunno wad to say.
well, i baked cookies today.
chocolate favourite.
i kept some for joey though.
wonder if she's back yet.
i felt sick like almost the whole entire day.
so, after baking went to take a nap.
den woke up and had dinner.
went online after that.
was chatting with gcwq.
went for piano lessons.
and now,
im like online and starring into blank space.
talking to gcwq... so bored.
i've gt nth to do.
i havent started doing the holiday hmwk yet.
gosh gosh gosh.
oh boy!
i miss miss miss miss miss miss miss u.

Monday, May 28, 2007

i guess i was a little too over my head in the last few posts.
a sincere apology to those ppl i've hurt.
and yeah...
loving somebody is wanting him/her to be happy.
i want u to be happy.
i guess it's better leaving everything just the way it is.
it's not the best for me.
but, it's the best for u.
i dun wish we cld end up like this.
pls, give us another chance?
joey went for camp.
waiting for her to come back so tt we can go shopping tgt.
i miss her.
im gna wear braces most likely nxt week.
im so so so extremely nervous.
dunno how wld i look with it.
hahs. ;]
why cant i just seem to get u out of my head???
why did i even fell for u in the first place?
who's fault is it?
why do we have to end up like this?
why do i feel so hurt seeing u leave?
what the hell am i thinking?
what's wrong with me?
what's wrong with u?
what's your prob?
what does god get by letting us be this way?
why do we have to be like this?
why? why? why?
what? what? what?
that was for u.
blah blah confused.
what shld i do now?
wait for u?
carry on with my life?
...all i can say is.
waiting for u is like waiting for rain to fall during a drought.
it's terrible like this.
it's hard and tough.
i guess i'll wait for u,
...just for now.

wishing u were here, all along...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

today is peirce family day.
i had a little bit of fun.
had quite a number of ppl streaming in to 2e2's meet your doom.
i had fun scaring them.
alomst all were scared.
except for shana's two little sisters.
went to to take a break and when joey and i came back,
we were told that the glass panal fell.
opppppssss! it hit bervin by the hand.
so sad. oh boy! u're brave! u're extremely lucky!
if it happened to me, i wld probably die.
oh no! touch wood!
and yeah...
someone claimed tt we ps her.
tald her to come with us but she walked right through, away.
and she's blaiming us for everything.
so not wanna fight with her agn.
waste my time.
talk to her wanna vomit blood.
u held my hand and pecked on my cheek but yet,
told u she wasnt worth while and yet u didnt believe me.
waited for her and finally got her.
this is ur "happy ending" now.
i dont mean to be mean but now u're screwed.
u say u're are so died.
u made me love u.
but yet, u left me standing in the rain.
all alone.
afraid and lonely.
u sure know how i feel that day.
oh boy!
i sure miss those sweet kisses and tt slender lips of urs.
oh. pls come back.
i'll treat everything that happened between me and u,
...only like yesterday.
SPJH, I SURE MISS YOU! a friend.

Friday, May 25, 2007

now, i seriously feel that wad's with tt girl's prob?
she scold me in her's.
and i do the same in mine.
fair wad.
den now cme bark at me for wad?
talk to her oso wan die sia.
dunno wad the hell she talking.
her english sucks right to the core.
u just talk to her but put down le rite?
i can call her after that wad.
joey agrees with me.
not u.

im so pissed by some dumb freaks today.
one of them was my girlfriend.
she's like so wtf.
i wasnt trying to do everything.
but, if tt is what i can do, then, too bad.
if u cant den just fking shut ur big mouth up.
talk abt me on ur blog as if everybody scared of u like tt.
u dont even realise tt the ppl arnd u oso do hate u.
so pls just wake up.
u dis stupid freak.
i was just only helping 'cause june and company agrees tt my hand-writing is nice.
so what are u not happy with tt? jealous?
and i told u not to dirty the place...
u didnt even listen and dirtied the place with ur...,
freaking dirty small fking arse.
plus plus plus,
was there a prob with not going for the workshop?
is not even ur prob,
so just fking stop being kaypo.
wanna backstab me den say in my face luhs.
went to orchard with joey.
we bitched bout tt girl i mentioned above.
isnt she totally dumb?
dun even know how to french den wanna learn...
for wad sial? despo arhs?
stop acting big, vain, chio, lian...
and the most important,
stop scolding "ppl" if u dun dare to.
u know wad i mean...
i noe joey does...'cause we were the one tt were bitching.
and dun take advantage of ppl's kindness.
dun just take money frm me.
'cause u've gt no money, doesnt mean u're fking allowed to.
if i were that calculative as u and sum up the amnt tt u have taken,
i betcha can even afford paying up.
'cause u're so gna take years to return.
u know wad?
oweing ppl money over the chinese new year is BAD LUCK!
so happy new year nxt year.
u're such a loser.
u know wad gurl?
i still treat u as my bestfriend/girlfriend.
pls go and do a self-reflection and see what u wanna do with ur life?
'cause i so think tt u've wasted it.
u're life is like shit.
salvage it when u still can.
probably if u apologise for hurting everyone...
we cld still forgive u.
take this opportunity seriously.


tt's all i wanna say.
i wanna watch tv agn.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

i get mre lucky as the days go by.
i shant be too happy yet.
but, i showed my mum my results.
she's like ur teacher phoned me and say tt i needa see her.
i was like WAD?! @#$%?!
i was like uurrh-oh...
but, wad i expected had made a big 360 DEGREES turn.
my mum said tt it's okay.
i just have to study harder.
she didnt scold me.
anw, im like so happy now.
for no reason.
i so wanna apologise to l*ur*.
im so sry.
i didnt even mean it.
he talked to me first.
i'll nvr forgive u for smth tt u've done.
tt's to accuse me.
wad have i done?
i did nth wrong.
ok, maybe yes i did but not on purpose.
i didnt even realise.
i hated u for that.
u wont like that when i first know u.
u were as sweet as an angel, lovevable and kind.
but now,
u're as evil as a devil, hated and totally unkind.
i hate what u've become.
a wtf b**ch.
ok. that's all i wanna say.
im sry.
just a note to everyone if u do have crushes.
i so wanna watch tv now.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

sch was rocking shiok man!
i guess 2e2 had lots of fun rite, people?
and yeah...
of course, if not for tt stupid MRT-mentally really toot principle,
we would not be laughing away during ms nur's class.
zk made us laugh till our sides hurt.
lolx. tt's like wth?
anw, joey didnt come to sch today.
sadly, she missed out on all the fun.
i didnt go for the mass student council meeting when im supposed to.
went out with joelle to j8 instead.
gosh...i hope nth wld happen to me tmr.
guess i wld get a scolding...
sadded. :(
on the way...
i saw...
im like so pai-sehh.
ya. den came home slept throughout the whole afternoon.
woke up at abt 7 plus and went to play billard with seraphina.
went home ltr, had dinner and here i am!
i cant even believe it myself,
its already been abt 7 mnths.
y are u still haunting me.
guess...its hard to forget ur FIRST DATE.
tt's why. boowoohoos. c:
i feel like telling him i love him,
sadly, i dun haf the courage.
and plus...
urrrmmm...forget it.
shant talk abt it.
guess im just gna get depression soon.
and yeah...
i'll stop here.
mum wna use com.


Monday, May 21, 2007

this blog is rotting like nobody's business.
and yeah...:(
coz the owner's too lazy to post every now and then...
tt's why...
my results for the exams are totally lousy...
i failed maths...
passed the rest though...
but, im alright...
'cause this is wad u get for not studying.
so im gna blog less and mug mre i guess.
but, tt's like only maybe only.
there's like streaming this year.
i really shld pull up my socks and buck up.
this few day's i've been sick.
was having fever, sore throat and stomach pain.
i threw up twice.
and i was outside.
was smsing b..n..d.
tt made me feel a little better.
thks b..n..d.
missed out all the fun today because i didnt go to sch.
think tt's my first time for the year.
and yeah...
i feel kinda sad.
i miss everybody in my class.
so sad.
didnt get to see them.
i wonder how's joey dealing with the class t-shirt prob.
this is a really short post.
so dun mind.
i wanna watch tv NOW!
and yeah...