Wednesday, May 30, 2007

when will everything be the same agn?
like the times we had together?
chatting with each other, watching movie, roming arnd...?
oh boy! i sure miss u loads.
i seriously dun even noe wad's the reason tt made us break up.
probably, the reason lies somewhere...
deep, cold and unknown.
i dun wanna know.
'cause it'll only break my heart.
there are some things u dont know.
i yelled at u through the phone because i was worried.
u dont know how worried i was when i found out u werent home.
it was late, in the middle of the night,...
where could u have been?
when i was with u, ur friends told me things tt i didnt wanna hear.
i pretended i didnt when they told me.
they asked me if i was mad.
i said no, confidently.
do u even know why?
i trusted u.
and i don think u even trusted me in the first place.
ppl say love can make one blind.
yes, its true.
i was blind.
but, not u.
do u even love me at all???
all i wanna say is,
where are u?
where have u gone?
u have changed.
but, i dont mind.
i really miss u, boy.
pls come back.

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