Monday, May 28, 2007

i guess i was a little too over my head in the last few posts.
a sincere apology to those ppl i've hurt.
and yeah...
loving somebody is wanting him/her to be happy.
i want u to be happy.
i guess it's better leaving everything just the way it is.
it's not the best for me.
but, it's the best for u.
i dun wish we cld end up like this.
pls, give us another chance?
joey went for camp.
waiting for her to come back so tt we can go shopping tgt.
i miss her.
im gna wear braces most likely nxt week.
im so so so extremely nervous.
dunno how wld i look with it.
hahs. ;]
why cant i just seem to get u out of my head???
why did i even fell for u in the first place?
who's fault is it?
why do we have to end up like this?
why do i feel so hurt seeing u leave?
what the hell am i thinking?
what's wrong with me?
what's wrong with u?
what's your prob?
what does god get by letting us be this way?
why do we have to be like this?
why? why? why?
what? what? what?
that was for u.
blah blah confused.
what shld i do now?
wait for u?
carry on with my life?
...all i can say is.
waiting for u is like waiting for rain to fall during a drought.
it's terrible like this.
it's hard and tough.
i guess i'll wait for u,
...just for now.

wishing u were here, all along...

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