Wednesday, May 2, 2007

sch was hell lots of fun todae.
guess wad?
qi en was fighting agn.
i video-ed it.
caught ms ren and mr li happily flirting.
mr li - married man with a child <---cant have more i guess.
ms ren - desperate.
JOEY & I went to JOELLE's hse after sch.
helped her to get ready for her "study-date" with her baby.
had hard time deciding wad to wear.
ahahahahs. ;]
then, went to j8 to so called "escort" JOELLE to her baby.
JOELLE was like so pai-sehh.
in the end, left her safely in her baby's hands.
JOEY & I went to buy our favourite yam pie.
Mmmm...its so yummy.
we have been craving for it for quite awhile.
yeah. c:
decided to save time
so, we munched and walked arnd.
we saw JOELLE and her baby many times while walking!
tried so hard to hide away frm them,
but, failed.
then decided to sit together with them and study.
was laughing like mad while "studying".
JOELLE & her baby left for the library ltr.
JOEY & I went to walk anrd agn.
we met each other many times.
JOEY & I tried really hard to hide,
however, failed agn.
[guess we really need to pick up some hiding skills.]
in the end, decided to "tail" JOELLE & her baby.
anw, sry girlfriend.
JOEY & I didnt mean to "tail" u.
had to make sure our girlfriend was alright.
pls, forgive us.
was so pissed by that oily pimple faced byotch. names.
hmm...shall call her N instead.
she was dumped by JOELLE's baby and yet,
she still talks abt hym and care abt who he likes and so on...
ok. i dun mean to be bad.
i noe almost all girls do tt.
BUT, cant u just stop talking bout hym.
get urself a life!
scolded N to shut up and f*ck off and stop smsing me.
N is like so fking retard.
doesnt she knows the meaning of f*ck off?
hmmmmmm...guess she doesnt.
that's why N still keeps smsing me.
this got me SO F*CKING MAD!
she just kept apologising...
in the end, she finally gets what im driving at.
she f*cked off!
was so relieved when she did.
anw, i'll stop here.
have to go for my piano lessons.
yeah. ;]

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