Saturday, May 12, 2007

was way too busy to blog yesterday.
JOEY came to my place yesterday.
went to fetch her at the mrt station...
was under the hot scorching sun.
my goodness...i nearly fainted.
JOEY bought some sotong heads, yam pie & taco balls.
were eating on the way back.
went to swim ltr.
the water is like so effing cold.
i havent been swimming for like mnths...
although the swimming pool is just beside my bedroom.
i'll see it everyday while mugging.
well, now the exams are over.
so, no mre mugging for the time being.

after swimming,
obviously we went to bathe.
then, we used the com.
mum booked movie tickets for spiderman 3.
went to watch for the second time.
believe me...
its too exciting even though i'm watching it for the 2nd time.
i wasn't even bored.
so came back after the movie...
bathed and went to sleep...
until now...
i still miss tt sumbody.
im so gonna emo now...


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